Sunday, December 2, 2012

Simple Vehicle Maintenance: Tips To Keep A Vehicle Running At Its Best

We all know it’s important to perform vehicle maintenance in order to ensure safety and efficiency, but what are some important checks to keep in mind? Here is a list of simple ways to make sure that your vehicle is running at its best, helping you to increase performance, efficiency, and safety.

1. Tire pressure: Be sure to check your tire pressure once a week. Every vehicle is made to run on a certain pressure and poor tire pressure can decrease fuel efficiency up to 2 miles a gallon. Check the owner’s manual to find the proper tire pressure for your car.

2. Oil and other fluids: It is important to change your oil every 3,000 miles to keep it running well. Be sure to change your oil whenever necessary and use the grade recommended by your car maker. Another fluid that you should keep an eye on is coolant. Levels should remain within 1 inch from the top of the radiator filler neck and fluids should be free of any contaminants. Flush or refill your coolant levels every 40,000 to 100,000 miles.

3. Air Filter: Replace the air filter once a year or after 12,000 miles (and more frequently if you live in an area with high levels of dirt or smog) to allow more air to enter the engine and increase power and energy.

4. Oxygen Sensor: Check this sensor to make sure it’s not plugged, and if it is, replace it. This will help to improve fuel economy up to 50%.

5. Spark Plugs: Your spark plugs help increase performance. You should change them once they become dirty so that they will work better as well as increase horsepower and give you better fuel economy.

6. Breaks: Don’t ever ignore break noises. Your breaks should be checked every 6,000 miles to ensure safety.

Some simple tips include cleaning windows, windshields, and mirrors in order to increase improve visibility. Another way to increase visibility is to be sure to replace wiper blades when they become worn out.  To help improve gas mileage, get rid of extra things in the car that add additional weight and clean off snow and ice, which also adds weight and increases wind resistance. In warm weather, roll down your windows rather than turning on the air conditioner – it takes about 15 horsepower from the engine to use the a/c.

Always use proper tools, check the owner’s manual before repairing, take safety precautions, read all instructions, and consult a professional when necessary. Simple and proper car care helps improve fuel efficiency, save you money, and ensure your safety.


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