Whenever you take your car into an auto body shop for collision repair, it’s vital that you make sure that you get a warranty on whatever work is done to it. While we all would like to believe that the auto body shop won’t cheat us or put low quality products in our vehicles, the truth is that you can’t always count on that; unless, of course you’re taking your vehicle to Grand Sport Auto Body. At Grand Sport, we give every customer a LIFETIME WARRANTY on all the work we perform so you don’t’ have to worry.
Think of warranties for collision repair as insurance. If you take your car to our shop for a new transmission and that new transmission fails a month after it was installed, your warranty will make sure that you don’t have to pay for another transmission, which isn’t cheap by any means. We give you a choice between parts that we’ll use for your repair. If you’re unable to afford the very best part and have to settle for a part that’s not as good, getting a warranty is a good idea in case that part doesn’t last as long. Whenever you take your car in, make sure that you ask what kind of parts will be used for your repairs, how good the quality is and if there is a warranty for that part.
New and Old Cars
You don’t have to wait until you’re in need of new parts or collision repair to get a warranty. You should also get one when you buy your car whether it’s new or used. A warranty is especially important if you have a used car since you never know when it will need repairs after you buy it. Car repairs can cost you several thousands of dollars and no end of frustration. Instead of going days or weeks without convenient transportation while you save up the money or being forced to borrow the money, you can have your repairs taken care of with ease as long as you have a warranty.
Don’t be fooled into thinking that your auto insurance policy will take care of your auto repairs. An insurance policy would only take care of your car in the event that you’re in an auto accident, not sudden breakdowns or other auto problems.
As you’re looking over warranties, you’ll want to take note of the coverage plan to make sure that it’s enough for you. It’s also recommended that you check to see that you’re getting a good deal. You can do this by checking the average warranty rates for your make and model of car. Try not to be cheap when it comes to getting a warranty for your automobile.
If you’re in need of collision repair, be sure to stop by Grand Sport Auto where you can get a lifetime warranty on your collision repair!
The post Wrapping Your Head Around Warranties For Collision Repair appeared first on Grand Sport Auto Body.
Source: http://www.grandsportautobody.com/blog/wrapping-your-head-around-warranties-for-collision-repair/
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